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Robotic Rehabilitation

Walking Robot Lokomat

1. What is the walking robot Lokomat?

The world’s most advanced robotic walking system which helps the regaining of the ability to walk in the patients who lost the ability to walk partially or completely is called Lokomat.


The patient continues the robotic walking treatment in the later stages of physiotherapy with Lokomat. The walking robot Lokomat is a system that is integrated with an advanced sensor and virtual reality system. Joint and spinal problems of the patient due to overloading are avoided by taking the patient’s body weight against gravity with the help of the straps.


With the help of robotic sensors, the movements the patient can perform and the muscle strength are detected and displayed on the charts on the screens. The movements the patient can’t perform are supported by the robotic feet. On the screen in front of the patient, there is a human avatar that stands for his or her body. Movements that are sensed through sensors are simulated on the human avatar and the improvement of the walking function with various games is practiced.

2. In which disorders’ treatment Lokomat is used?

  • Paralysis-Stroke
  • Neurological Deceases
  • Traumatic Brain Damage
  • Traumatic Spinal Cord Damage
  • Patients with the walking disorder

3. What are the benefits of Lokomat?

  • Lokomat guides lower limbs while it allows the patient the walking training.
  • It ensures a successful rehabilitation process, with early-stage walking training.
  • Decreases the physical exhaustion of the physiotherapist.
  • It has the effect of increasing patient motivation.
  • The walking activity of the patient is recorded, examined, and evaluated easily.
  • It can be adjusted individually in accordance with the capacity, condition, and needs of the patient.
  • An increase in treatment performance is observed with virtual reality integration.
  • It contributes to patient evaluation through the recorded data.
  • In necessary situations, a transition to the manual walking program from the robotic walking can be done.
beyin hasarı rehabilitasyonu

4. What are the benefits of Lokomat on the patients?

It is used as a supportive method for the treatment of musculoskeletal system disorders or neurological disorders’ negative effects on walking function in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.


While the Lokomat (walking robot)’s main target is the healing and the improvement of the lost or deteriorated walking function, at the same time it has positive impact on the regulation of the muscle tonus and the reduction of the spasticity that is the unintended contraction observed on the muscles, the supporting and increasing the lower limb’s muscle strength, on the cardiovascular system, on the attainment of the body composition and the improvement of the patient’s life quality.


At the same time with virtual reality integration and the games in it, it has motivating effect on the patients and supportive effects on balance coordination.

Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar

Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar has more than 15 years of experience in the areas of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Algology and Electrodiagnostic Neurology.

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